Hello! Anj has kindly allowed me a guest post. I'm really going to miss my friends in DC with my move out West, and this Superbowl Sunday was a great indicator of why I love them. We are generally into making up events where we can make delicious food and Super Bowl Sunday was certainly no exception. Jeff and Lisa's Superbowl party turned into quite the feast with meatballs, enchiladas, crab dip, pizza, egg rolls, pizza circles, chilli, cookies, cake, pie, rice krispies, and prob some other stuff I'm forgetting. My contribution was a football baked brie! Here's how to do this easy timely treat!
1 round of Brie
1 roll of crescent roll dough (if you can get seamless it's preferable, but any will work)
Brown Sugar
Preserves or Jam
Wheat Thins or other crackers
How to: Just take the crescent roll dough and lie it flat on a baking pan. Cut small strips off with a knife a small section to place on top later. Put the brie in the center (leaving the rind on) of the dough leftover. Wrap the brie up like a present. Shape the excess dough at the ends into points to make the final shape look like a football. Take the dough strips and make football like laces and bands on top of the wrapped brie. Take brown sugar and sprinkle it all over EXCEPT on the laces and bands that were just added on top. This will make those appear whiter than the rest which should turn a golden brown. Bake the brie for 25 - 30 min at 350 degrees. Cut into the brie and serve with preserves and crackers (or forget them at home and people will still eat it up like I did).
Who knows what other shapes my brie might take? Let me know if you try anything else. Heart shaped brie seems like a great idea for Valentine's Day!
Guest Chef, Pri
good job priya! Mine did not turn out this good your sister has taught you well to get into gourmet food and me too I guess. How do we get your bro get into this hobby.