Sunday, June 17, 2012

Banofee Pie for Pi Day!

Ok so I came across this can of homemade "dulce de leche" in the pantry and it brought me back to the reason that I made it - for this delicious Banofee Pie made for Pi Day!  Nerdy, I know.  But I can't believe I never posted about it!  Anyway here's the low down on this delicious treat.

First, a crust of crushed vanilla wafers.  I mixed some melted butter in here and then pressed it down into a pie pan.

Now this next part uses an ingredient that was prepared a couple days earlier.  To make this dulce de leche caramel, you take a can of condensed milk, put it in a large pan, and cover it completely with water.  I put two cans in, one was used for this recipe, and one I just discovered in the pantry, huzzah!  Anyway, you have to make sure the water is completely covering the tops of the cans.  Then put a lid with ventilation on the pot and start the water boiling.  Keep it boiling for about 2 hours  adding water if needed to make sure the cans are completely submerged at all times, let it cool, and that's it!  The condensed milk will have turned into this delicious caramel.  Now for a disclaimer:  this method can have some dangerous outcomes.  Apparently some people have had the can explode on them!  This is probably because the water level dipped below the tops of the cans, but this is why I put a lid on the pot (and actually rubberbanded it to the handles to keep in in place) although make sure it has a ventilation hole.  That way, if the can did explode, everything would be mostly contained by the lid.  Yeah, there'd still be a mess, but not as bad as if the exploding can's contents went straight up to the ceiling!

Anyway, after you've boiled it, let it cool completely!  I mean totally and completely - like wait a day or so.  That way there's no chance of explosion when you open it.  And man the wait is worth it!  Open it up, scoop out all the goodness, and then spread it on your crust!

All gone!

Now for the banana part.  Layer sliced bananas on top of the caramelized condensed milk. No need to make a fancy design - not sure why I did that actually!

Now you just have to top it with whipped cream....

...and add a nerdy decoration!

This was seriously good.  Basically the only bad thing was using the pre-made spray whipped cream which started to collapse after a few minutes.  Some stiff peak homemade whipped cream would stand up better and probably be tastier but I didn't have any on hand that day. Now I'm thinking about what to make with the other can of condensed milk that was boiled....I'll let you know if inspiration ever strikes!

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