Sunday, August 29, 2010


I had a bunch of strawberries that I needed to use up so I experimented with a couple things.  First, I made a dough, basically butter, flour, a little sugar.  I wish I remembered the proportions because this dough actually turned out well!  But I don't.  D'oh!

Ok got the dough, now what?  I made this "rustic" pie.  Yum! Basically sliced strawberries and a little sugar.  That's powdered sugar on top.  This was actually pretty tasty!  I ate it for dinner. Ruchir got mad.  Ha!

And then I made these, little turnovers!  The color looks weird in this picture (all these pics on this blog are from my phone because I'm too lazy to actually upload pictures from my camera) but they were really good!  Just a dollop of homemade strawberry jam in the center.  They made a really good grab and go breakfast.  

Healthy Omelet

Ok so the problem with creme brulee is that is needs a bunch of egg yolks.  So what to do with all the egg whites?  Well two options really, the dessert route (meringues etc), or the healthy route.  And surprise! This time I went the healthy route!  Egg white omelet for two, coming up! 

I cleaned out the fridge and dumped it all in there.  Mostly green peppers, onions, mushrooms but a few other random things as well.  Sauté everything first in a little butter first.  Then add the egg whites, do the usual omelet swirl, poorly attempt to flip and spill a large chunk on the ground.  And then, voila!

Looks better when it's sliced doesn't it?  Actually for a healthy breakfast, this was pretty good. I'd make it again, if only so that I'd have leftover egg yolks to make creme brulee again!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Creme brûlée

I whipped these up for a dinner party that we were going to.  The recipe was pretty easy, 1 pint of cream, 4 egg yolks, 4 tbs sugar (I used two white and two brown), and 1 tsp of vanilla.  I scalded the cream with the sugar, then slowly tempered it with the egg yolks and then the vanilla at the end.  Bake in a water bath for about 40 minutes.  

This is a a version that I made for me and Ruchir using the leftover mix.  I added a bunch of mango puree to it, hence the orange-y color.  Unfortunately these did not turn out as good as the ones above because the puree made everything too liquidy and they never really set up.  Plus the crunchy top didn't really turn out on these - not sure why on that one.

But no worries, the ones that I took to the party set up great and turned out wonderfully!  The crunchy top was so good and topped with strawberries they looked very impressive! (Didn't hurt that they tasted great too!)

Friday Shrimp

The title of this shows you how long I've had this post in the queue waiting to be posted - it's back from Lent! Anyway, this was more or less Mom's food, with one addition by me.

Addition 1: Plenty of onions!

Add everything else.....

Top with yogurt and enjoy!

Mexican Lasagna

Ok this one is kind of a bad picture but a great meal! Ruchir was off barbecuing a squirrel (I wish I was joking) so I made this Mexican lasagna out of things I had on hand to feed me and a couple friends. I didn't follow a recipe but just threw in things that seemed like they would fit with the mexican theme.  This was awhile ago so I can't remember everything but the basics were ground beef, tomatoes, green chilis, and tortillas in alternating layers with plenty of colby jack shredded cheese.  Again, not the best picture, but it sure was tasty!

Ruchir's Brunch

Ok once again, I slipped quite a bit with the postings. But don't worry, I've been taking pictures! ANd now I have a delightful backlog of wonderful dishes to post. Here's a quick picture of a delicious brunch that Ruchir made awhile back. Gotta love avocados!