Sunday, May 2, 2010

Window Garden

Here's a shot of our little window ledge garden. Look how beautiful all the greenery is! From right to left: Chilis, Green Onions, Sweet Basil, and Mojito Mint.

The chili plant is supposedly imported from India, one of my cousins (in law) gave it to Mom and I snatched it up. It hasn't yet produced anything, but it's still alive so I'm proud of that!

The green onions I've talked about before, but I'm still so amazed at how easy they are to grow! It's literally just put the ends in a cup of water and they shoot right up! You can even see growth after one day! You will never have to buy green onions again - and since I use them a lot for garnishes, this is great for me!

The last two we bought from our farmer's market for a buck a piece. The sweet basil smells so good...I actually wanted to get Thai basil but they had run out although this is just as good! And then the mint, which I basically got for making mojitos and garnishing desserts. Is there any better summer drink than a freshly made mojito with good quality rum? I didn't think so!

Anyway, so that's my little window ledge garden, I hope to add more soon!

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